
Kim Ik-Joo

Kim, Ik-joo: He collected independence funds as President of Korean
National Association in Tampico, Mexico.

김익주He immigrated to Mexico in 1905. He became a leader of Korean National Association in 1917 and financially supported the Provisional Government in Shanghai when it was organized in April of 1919 and made efforts to educate the Koreans in Mexico. In 1999, the South Korean government posthumously recognized him with the Order of Merit of National Foundation / Patriotic People Award for his contribution toward the Korean independence movement.






▲ Family photo: From far right in the front seated Kim, Ik-joo, second son Kim, Dong-pil, and his wife Baik, Gon-cha. Rear left first son Kim, Dong-chul, daughter Maria and son-in-law Kim. Soo-kwon (early 1920).